
What are the adverse health effects from breathing elevated
mold levels indoors? |
A: Mold
can cause asthma, respiratory problems, throat and lung irritation,
infections, skin rashes, burnings eyes, flu-like symptoms, fatigue,
dizziness, and nausea. Inhalation of toxic molds can result
in liver or central nervous system damage and cancer. In certain
cases mold can begin growing in the lungs.
If the mold is not toxic, does it still need to be removed? |
A: Yes.
All molds are allergens and have the potential to cause adverse
health effects. While certain mold species are toxigenic (poisonous
through inhalation), pathogenic (agents of disease), or carcinogenic
(cancer causing), all molds can trigger allergic reactions.
Can't I just spray the affected area with bleach and kill the
mold? |
A: No.
It is necessary to remove the mold, not just to kill it. Whether
dead or alive, mold spores remain allergenic and certain molds
may be toxic. The use of bleach is not recommended as a routine
practice during mold remediation.
Can't I just paint over the mold? |
A: No.
Paint applied over moldy surfaces is likely to peel. Hidden
mold may be present behind the drywall. The full extent of growth
needs to be identified and the mold removed.
If I increase the ventilation in my attic, won't the mold clear
up on its own? |
A: No.
Once mold growth occurs, it remains until removed. Mold eats
into the wood. Spores remain able to grow for years after they
are produced. Dead or alive, mold spores easily become airborne
and remain allergenic or toxigenic.
What is hidden mold? |
A: Mold
growing behind drywall, paneling, wallpaper, under carpeting,
or on the top-side of ceilings. Mold spores easily become airborne
and can affect the air you breathe. Air testing is a useful
tool in detecting the presence of hidden mold not clearly visible
to the naked eye. |
Inspections, Remediation Plans, and Project Management
guide you through the mold maze"